Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Electrostatic Therapy (EST) Apparatus


The idea of easing pain with electricity was first discovered in 1752 by Benjamin Franklin of America, who proved that lighting is caused by electricity generated between the clouds and the ground.  Owing to this discovery, it was later found that electricity is effective in the treatment of various kinds of ailments. 

In 1776, Hiraga Gennai (1728–1779) of Japan made an electric generator called the “Elekiter” (Erekiteru) which was believed to be effective for relieving pain and was used widely with patients.  The Elekiter continued to enjoy popularity among doctors treating rheumatism and neuralgia until the 19th century.

The advances of research and development with regard to electro static therapy apparatuses in Japan led to clinic applications that were carried out for more than 50 years.

------ Elekiter (Erekiteru)

Main Functions

The general function of the body activates a feedback mechanism that helps to maintain an optimum environment for these cells to perform all their vital activities.  In other words, when the external environment changes, the body functions to optimize its internal environment including the osmotic pressure of body fluids, gaseous composition and electrolyte composition of the blood, PH and body temperature.  For the purpose of maintaining this constancy of its internal environment, the cell and organs of our body are controlled by a feedback mechanism that is based upon cooperation among the nervous, endocrinal and immune systems.

This is called the “Homeostasis Mechanism” or “Natural Healing Power”.  The body can recover from illness if the degree of the homeostasis disturbance is within the limits of our natural healing power.  If it exceeds these limits, the result is death.

Natural healing power, in other words, is the power to prevent illness or to help us recover from illness. Using an Electrostatic Therapy Apparatus will help to enhance the natural healing power that maintains homeostasis within our systems.


Electrostatic Therapy Apparatus is a device for medical instrument that imparts an alternating current potential to an electrically insulated human body, there are surrounding by the body with an electrical field that has a beneficial effect.

The electrical field created by the Electrostatic Therapy Apparatus stimulates the skin’s sense receptors via nerves.  This stimulation ultimately acts on the body’s regulatory mechanisms such as the autonomic nerves systems, or hypothalamus, in the brain.

The benefits of these effects are that the body’s homeostatic functions are kept in healthy levels by restoring the amounts of electrolytes in the blood (specifically, sodium, potassium, and calcium ions) to their normal values.  This enables the body to recover, from various unpleasant symptoms.


The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has recognized the effects of regular use of the Electrostatic Therapy Apparatus and has therefore approved its use for certain therapies.  They include the amelioration of headache, stiffness of the shoulder region, insomnia and chronic constipation. These disorders correspond to functional disorders of the autonomic nerves and inflammatory diseases.