Monday, August 16, 2010

Fungsi & Kelebihan JINHO MOVAS (Malay Version)

1) 100% Kesan Rawatan daripada OVA (*Menggunakan hak paten dari Jepun)

Bagi mesin terapi elektrostatik lama dan jenama lain, peningkatan pengguna (bebanan 1) atau penebat yang kurang memuaskan (bebanan 2) akan mengurangkan gelombang kesihatan yang dikeluarkan dan akhirnya menjejaskan kesan rawatan.

Namun, JINHO MOVAS dengan sistem OVA yang unik ini dapat menstabilkan gelombang kesihatan yang dikeluarkan, pada tahap yang paling sesuai untuk badan kita (9,000V) walaupun bebanan berlaku. Ini secara tidak langsung memastikan kesan rawatan berada dalam keadaan optimum, iaitu 100% kesan rawatan daripada OVA.

OVA menunjukkan sekiranya bebanan meningkat, petak yang bercahaya (5 petak keseluruhannya) akan beransur-ansur tambah supaya dapat mengembalikan gelombang kesihatan yang hilang. Memandangkan OVA mempunyai fungsi litar keselamatan, selain dapat meningkatkan prestasi mesin dan menstabilkan kesihatan gelombang yang dikeluarkan, jikalau bebanan menjadi maksimum,  rawatan akan diberhentikan secara automatik. 

2) 100% Kesan Rawatan daripada Ion Negatif (*Menggunakan hak paten dari Jepun)

JINHO MOVAS adalah satu-satunya mesin terapi elektrostatik yang menawarkan rawatan 100% ion negatif di pasaran. Ia amat sesuai digunakan oleh manusia zaman kini yang banyak kehilangan ion negatif serta mereka yang menghidapi penyakit kronik.

Mengikut keadaan fizikal pada masa itu, pengguna boleh memilih 3 jenis ion negatif yang telah diprogram (-50%/-75%/-100%).

Pagi: -50% (ion negatif) – gelombang merah
Tengahari/Petang: -75% (ion negatif) – gelombang kuning
Malam ataupun pesakit kronik: -100% (ion negatif) – gelombang biru

3) 30 Jenis Corak Rawatan untuk Pilihan (Rawatan Seluruh Badan 21 jenis/Rawatan Tidur 3 jenis/Rawatan Setempat 6 jenis)

Rawatan Seluruh Badan: menghapuskan punca penyakit

Darah asidik merupakan punca utama yang mengakibatkan penyakit kronik. Rawatan seluruh badan JINHO MOVAS berupaya membersihkan darah, meningkatkan kecergasan fizikal di samping menghapuskan punca penyakit.

Terdapat 21 jenis pilihan, iaitu 7 jenis kombinasi bagi voltan 3000V, 6000V, 9000V, program A, B, C, dan D, termasuk perubahan kandungan ion negatif, sama ada -50%/-75%/-100%.

Kebaikan program A, B, C dan D adalah untuk mengelakkan badan kita daripada menjadi imun terhadap mesin ini (drug tolerance).

Rawatan Tidur: memperolehi kesihatan semasa tidur

Menyediakan rawatan masa panjang dan voltan rendah. Dapat mempercepatkan pengaliran darah dan membersihkan toksik dalam darah. Amat sesuai untuk mereka yang sibuk dan pesakit kronik agar “memperolehi kesihatan semasa tidur”.

Terdapat 3 jenis pilihan, iaitu 1 jenis kombinasi bagi voltan 800V, termasuk perubahan kandungan ion negatif, sama ada -50%/-75%/-100%.

Rawatan Setempat (serupa kesan terapi akupunktur dan gua sha)

Menggunakan pen elektronik (bucu dan roda) menjalani rawatan untuk bahagian badan yang senang letih seperti leher, pinggang dan bahu. Bucu fokus kepada celah-celah yang kecil dan untuk akupunktur manakala roda untuk mengurut bahagian badan yang sakit. 

Terdapat 6 jenis pilihan, iaitu 2 jenis kombinasi bagi voltan 800V dan 1500V, termasuk perubahan kandungan ion negatif, sama ada -50%/-75%/-100%.

4) Identifikasi Soket secara Automatik

Semasa plag dimasukkan ke dalam soket, skrin secara automatik akan mengenalpasti plag tersebut, sama ada ia adalah soket bagi kusyen elektrostatik atau pen elektronik.

5) Alarm

Alarm akan mengeluarkan bunyi jika operasi bermasalah dan mesin manghadapi gangguan, atau program sudah sampai masa.

6) Sensor Cahaya

Kecerahan cahaya pada skrin akan berubah mengikut persekitaran.

7) Kemudahan Keselamatan

Fungsi pemasa (timer), fungsi anti kebocoran elektrik, fungsi menjimatkan elektrik, fungsi litar keselamatan.

8) Pengiktirafan daripada Kementerian Kesihatan Jepun.

9) Terdapat banyak hospital dan klinik di Jepun menggunakan mesin ini.

10) Penggunaan kuasa elektrik rendah, cuma 15 Watt.

11) Produk jaminan 3 tahun, aksesori jaminan 2 tahun.

12) Insurans meliputi semua risiko seperti banjir, kilat, kebakaran dan kecurian.

13) Mesin akan dipinjamkan (penggantian pertukaran satu untuk satu) jika terdapat sebarang masalah supaya rawatan tidak terputus.

14) Size kecil, ringan dan hanya 10 kg. Sesuai dibawa ke merata tempat untuk memastikan rawatan yang berterusan.

15) Aksesori

tikar penebat

buku panduan

kusyen elektrostatik & sarung

alat kawalan jauh 

pen elektronik

penyokong wayar

Spesifikasi Produk

Nama Produk
Mesin Terapi Elektrostatik, EPR-03M
Penggunaan kuasa elektrik
10kg (mesin)
tinggi 315 x lebar 400 x panjang 225mm
Keupayaan voltan yang dikeluarkan
kusyen elektrostatik
peratusan kandungan ion negatif: -50/-75/-100%
keupayaan voltan: 9000/6000/3000/800V
program: A/B/C/D

pen elektrik
peratusan kandungan ion negatif: -50/-75/-100% 
keupayaan voltan: 1500/800V
voltan tinggi(3000V, 6000V, 9000V) : 60 minit
voltan rendah (800V): 8 jam
rawatan setempat: 15 minit
Kemudahan keselamatan

fungsi pemasa, fungsi anti kebocoran elektrik, fungsi menjimatkan elektrik, fungsi litar keselamatan

Thursday, August 5, 2010

JINHO MOVAS的功能和特点(Chinese version)



但JINHO MOVAS高科技负离子电位治疗器,具备独特的OVA系统,即使是在负担的状态下,也能够把输出的健康电波稳定在最适合人体的水平(9,000V),以确保使用者获得100%的治疗效果。



JINHO MOVAS是市场上唯一提供100%负离子疗效的电位治疗器,是大量流失负离子的现代人和顽疾病患者的佳音。
根据当时的身体状况,可选择3种负离子设定(-50%/ -75%/ -100%)。

早上: -50%(负离子)- 红色波

中午/下午: -75%(负离子)- 黄色波

晚上或患有顽固疾病者: -100%(负离子)- 蓝色波



酸性化的血液是疾病的根源,JINHO MOVAS的全身疗法有助于净化血液,从根本上改善体质、去除病根。

共有21种输出设定,既3000V、6000V、9000V、A、B、C和D ,加上负离子-50%/-75%/-100%的差额变动情况下的结合。

A、B、C和D 4种贴心的自动程序,有助于克服人体对仪器产生的习惯性/耐受性。

















10)耗电量低,才15 Watt。













JINHO MOVAS负离子电位治疗器, EPR-03M
10kg (主机)
高315 x 宽400 x 长225mm
负离子设定: -50/-75/-100%
电压输出能力: 9000/6000/3000/800V
自动程序: A/B/C/D

负离子设定: -50/-75/-100% 
电压输出能力: 1500/800V
T高电压(3000V, 6000V, 9000V): 60分钟
低电压(800V): 8小时
局部治疗: 15分钟


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

JINHO MOVAS Function & Features (English version)

1) OVA therapy generates 100% Effectiveness (use the patent rights from Japan)

For old model electrostatic therapy machines or others brand, as the number of users at one time increases (strain 1) or when using inadequate insulation (strain 2), the healthy electrostatic waves being emitted will be reduced and ultimately affect the therapy effectiveness.

However, JINHO MOVAS with its unique OVA system has the ability to stabilize the healthy electrostatic wave emission to a suitable level for our body (9000V) regardless of any possible strains. This ensures that the therapy’s effectiveness will be at an optimum level, which is the OVA therapy generating at 100% effectiveness.

The OVA demonstrates that as the strain increases, the lighted boxes (total of 5 boxes) will gradually increase to restore any leakage of healthy electrostatic waves. Considering the fact that the OVA system has a safety circuit, other than increasing the machine’s performance and stabilizing the healthy electrostatic wave output, if the strain level reaches maximum tolerance, the therapy in session will be automatically stopped.

2) Negative Ions generate 100% Effectiveness (use the patent rights from Japan)

JINHO MOVAS is a one-of-a-kind electrostatic therapy machine on the market that offers 100% negative ion therapy. It is extremely suitable to be used by the people of today, who experience a lot of negative ion loss and suffer from chronic diseases. Based on the condition of the user at that time, he or she has the option to select from 3 different types of negative ion output programmed (-50% / -75% / -100%).

-50% (negative ions) – red wave

-75% (negative ions) – yellow wave

Night or chronic patients:
-100% (negative ions) - blue wave

3) 30 Different Patterns of Choice

Full Body Therapy: Eliminate the causes of illness

Acidic blood is one of the main causes of chronic diseases. JINHO MOVAS full body therapy is capable of cleansing the blood, improving the condition of the body, and also eliminating the causes of illness. There are 21 different types of choices, consisting of 7 different combinations for each of the 3000V, 6000V, 9000V voltages, and each A, B, C, D, programs respectively, and multiplying with the 3 percentages of negative ion outputs, -50%/-75%/-100%. These distinct programs will prevent our body from immunizing itself against the benefits of the machine (drug tolerance).

Sleeping Therapy: Gain health during sleep

Provides long-term treatment on a low voltage. Able to improve blood circulation and reduce the toxic levels in the blood. Very suitable for those living hectic lives and those suffering from chronic diseases to “gain health during sleep”.

There are 3 possible choices in 1 combination for the low 800V voltage selection, which are the percentages of negative ion output, -50%/-70%/-100%.

Partial Therapy

The Electronic Pen (pointer and roller) provides treatment for certain body parts that get easily tired such as the neck, waist and shoulders. The pointer focuses on small gaps and acupuncture points, while the roller focuses on treating a specific painful area.

There are 6 possible choices separated in 2 different combinations for the 800V and 1500V voltages, which are the percentages of negative ion output, -50%-70%/-100%.

4) Automatic Plug Identification

When the plug is inserted into the socket, the screen will automatically identify it, whether it’s a plug for the energizing sheet or the electronic pen.

5) Alarm

The alarm will sound if there is a problem with the operation and the machine is experiencing disruption, or when the treatment is complete.

6) Light sensor

The screen’s brightness will change automatically based on the surroundings.

7) Safety Facilities

Timer function, anti-electrical leakage function, energy saving function, safety circuit function.

8) Recognition by the Japanese Ministry of Health.

9) Plenty of hospitals and clinics in Japan utilize this machine.

10) Low electrical consumption, only 15 Watts.

11) 3-year product warranty, 2-year accessory warranty.

12) All-Risk Insurance Coverage including flood, lightning strike, fire, and theft.

13) In case of any problems with the machine that disrupts operation, a machine will be borrowed or lent for in order not to break the treatment cycle.

14) Small size, lightweight and only 10kg. Portable and easily brought anywhere to ensure continuous treatment.

15) Accessories

Insulation sheet

Operation manual

Energizing sheet & cover
Remote controller

Electronic pen

Cord lifter

Product Specification

Product name
Electric potential treatment device, EPR-03M
Consumption power
10kg (main body)
H315 × W400 × D225mm
Energizing sheet
Balance (Negative Ion): -50/-75/-100%
Voltage output: 9000/6000/3000/800V
Program: A/B/C/D

Electronic pen
Balance (Negative Ion): -50/-75/-100% 
Voltage output: 1500/800V
Timer for high voltage used for the whole body: 60 minutes
Timer for low voltage used for the whole body: 8 hours
Body parts: 15 minutes
Safety device

Timer function, anti-electrical leakage function, energy saving function, safety circuit function

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Electrostatic Therapy (EST) Apparatus


The idea of easing pain with electricity was first discovered in 1752 by Benjamin Franklin of America, who proved that lighting is caused by electricity generated between the clouds and the ground.  Owing to this discovery, it was later found that electricity is effective in the treatment of various kinds of ailments. 

In 1776, Hiraga Gennai (1728–1779) of Japan made an electric generator called the “Elekiter” (Erekiteru) which was believed to be effective for relieving pain and was used widely with patients.  The Elekiter continued to enjoy popularity among doctors treating rheumatism and neuralgia until the 19th century.

The advances of research and development with regard to electro static therapy apparatuses in Japan led to clinic applications that were carried out for more than 50 years.

------ Elekiter (Erekiteru)

Main Functions

The general function of the body activates a feedback mechanism that helps to maintain an optimum environment for these cells to perform all their vital activities.  In other words, when the external environment changes, the body functions to optimize its internal environment including the osmotic pressure of body fluids, gaseous composition and electrolyte composition of the blood, PH and body temperature.  For the purpose of maintaining this constancy of its internal environment, the cell and organs of our body are controlled by a feedback mechanism that is based upon cooperation among the nervous, endocrinal and immune systems.

This is called the “Homeostasis Mechanism” or “Natural Healing Power”.  The body can recover from illness if the degree of the homeostasis disturbance is within the limits of our natural healing power.  If it exceeds these limits, the result is death.

Natural healing power, in other words, is the power to prevent illness or to help us recover from illness. Using an Electrostatic Therapy Apparatus will help to enhance the natural healing power that maintains homeostasis within our systems.


Electrostatic Therapy Apparatus is a device for medical instrument that imparts an alternating current potential to an electrically insulated human body, there are surrounding by the body with an electrical field that has a beneficial effect.

The electrical field created by the Electrostatic Therapy Apparatus stimulates the skin’s sense receptors via nerves.  This stimulation ultimately acts on the body’s regulatory mechanisms such as the autonomic nerves systems, or hypothalamus, in the brain.

The benefits of these effects are that the body’s homeostatic functions are kept in healthy levels by restoring the amounts of electrolytes in the blood (specifically, sodium, potassium, and calcium ions) to their normal values.  This enables the body to recover, from various unpleasant symptoms.


The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has recognized the effects of regular use of the Electrostatic Therapy Apparatus and has therefore approved its use for certain therapies.  They include the amelioration of headache, stiffness of the shoulder region, insomnia and chronic constipation. These disorders correspond to functional disorders of the autonomic nerves and inflammatory diseases.